Mike Burden

Mike Burden

At-Large Member

Mike first rode the N24HC in 2005 and began serving on the N24HC board in 2010 as a “member at large” to give rider input to board decisions.

He has ridden 2552.6 miles at the N24HC, with a personal best of 362.3 miles in 2016. Currently, he is working on recovering his endurance following a kidney transplant so he can come back and ride again with a goal of breaking 400 miles.

Mike also serves as the director of the Support Crew, which allows riders who don’t have their own crew to sign up to have their nutrition and equipment transported to the checkpoints where support volunteers will have their supplies waiting when the rider arrives.

Mike works in I.T. for a wood products manufacturer/distributor and lives in Kentwood with his wife (who is an ultra-runner) and his amazing Bonus Daughter.